I can't believe it's been over a year since we said goodbye...it hardly seems possible. We knew that the last few weeks would be tough so we planned a trip to Europe to distract us and have something positive to focus on.
We were in Paris for Gabriel's birthday and although we wanted to be distracted we also wanted to honor our son at the same time. Tom opened Gabriel's birthday gift in the morning and in the evening we went to the Pont des Arts bridge. The bridge is also known as the lock of love bridge because people put locks on the bridge as a symbol of their committed love. People put their lock on the bridge and throw the keys in the river. We had a lock engraved for Gabriel before we left on our trip with his name, birthday and the words "forever in our hearts". We locked it on the bridge and we each had a key we threw in the river. Although its merely a lock and keys...the symbolism gets to me every time. I will never forget my sweet boy...and nothing will ever be able to take away the love I have for him.
I remember the blue balloon at his memorial and how tough it was to let it go...a symbol of the love...that's all I have...symbols, keepsakes...of my son.
Christmas hardly felt like Christmas this year...for the rest of my life someone will always be missing on Christmas day. It hardly feels like "the happiest time of the year".
We are home from our trip and while we are thankful to be home with our puppy dog to cuddle...reality sets in and reminds me that the world is not quite right and that my heart will always have a void...
I miss you little buddy...forever...
This blog is dedicated to Gabriel Thomas Larmondra born sleeping at 27 weeks on 12/17/12 and our other babies lost in miscarriage. This blog is about a mother's love for her children and the daily struggle that comes with recurrent loss.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Lord prepare me...
When I was pregnant with Gabriel I would often sing to him while driving home from work. He was always very active during this time so I knew he was awake and was hoping he could hear me. I usually sang the same hymn...it always seemed like the perfect hymn to sing to him while in the womb....Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary.

I shared this story at his memorial and used the hymn in his memorial video. I haven't talked about it since.
Tonight Tom's sister Lucy gave us a precious gift...how sweet of her to think of us during this difficult time, but even sweeter that she remembered how special this hymn was to us. Its a carving of the words to the hymn...on the side is an angel...perfect!

I shared this story at his memorial and used the hymn in his memorial video. I haven't talked about it since.
Tonight Tom's sister Lucy gave us a precious gift...how sweet of her to think of us during this difficult time, but even sweeter that she remembered how special this hymn was to us. Its a carving of the words to the hymn...on the side is an angel...perfect!
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Gabriel's memorial video
I'm getting overwhelmed as we approach the one year mark of saying goodbye to our son. The pain hasn't gotten better with time contrary to what everyone said to us then. I do think that I grieve softer now. I get overwhelmed with emotion often, but its more subtle, more controlled now, but definitely not less painful. Sometimes I need to grieve hard...I think its good for my soul to feel it...makes him more real to me. Today I watched his memorial video...I grieved hard. Most of you that still keep up with my blog probably saw this at his memorial service, but I thought I would share it with those of you that weren't there. Just trying to focus on his life...as short as it was...it was life changing...he was life changing. We miss you sweet boy...forever!
Gabriel's Memorial video
Gabriel's Memorial video
Sunday, November 17, 2013
11 months
Dear Gabriel,
I talk to you often, but today I want to write you a letter...that way you will never forget what I'm about to tell you. Its been one month shy of one year since we said our goodbyes to you. I know that you likely left us a few days before. I often wonder about that exact moment...what I was doing, how you were feeling...the moment you really left us. Its so crazy that I knew you, but never really met you...how many people can say that. I spent 7 months getting to know you, loving you...all the while I never looked into your eyes and saw your precious soul. We saw your body...your temporary dwelling...you were a beautiful baby and oh how I wish I could see you grow up. We knew though when we saw you that the "real" you was no longer there, yet saying goodbye to your body was final.
Its been a tough 11 months sweetheart and I've missed you every minute of every day. The tears are fewer these days, but my thoughts and my love are just as strong as they were. I'm learning how to live here with you in Heaven. I feel like I went to Vegas and put absolutely everything I have on one bet...that God is real and you are with Him. I have to believe it because I don't know how I could get through the days without knowing I would get to meet the sweet soul I grew to know and love. I can't wait until that day Gabriel!
The main reason I'm writing to you is because I need you to know something. I'm sure I've shared this before, but now that Thanksgiving is approaching I need you to know that I'm thankful for you. Your short life had such great purpose! I thought I knew what love was until you came into our lives. From the moment I saw the positive sign I was in love. That love grew each day as I learned or experienced something new. I still remember your second ultrasound like it was yesterday. I wasn't feeling you move yet, but watching your arms and legs move on the screen was unreal...we saw the life that was growing within me...we saw a little miracle that day and fell even more in love. That love grew as you kept me awake in the wee hours kicking me. And grew even more as your daddy would touch my tummy and talk to you. Gabriel, we wanted you here...we wanted you in our arms...we didn't get a choice in how you left us. I would change it if I could, but since I can't you need to know that I love you like I will love no other...you my sweet boy have a piece of my heart...hold it tight and you can give it back to me when we meet :)
You taught me about unconditional love. You didn't have to DO anything...just be my son...which you did well. The hopes and dreams we had for you are gone, but I'm learning that I need to focus on those months we had WITH you and not without you.
I'm not sure if you see me or hear me, but if you do then I'm sure you know that you will forever be a part of this family. Whether you will have more brothers or sisters we don't know, but we will always rejoice in the fact that we have you.
I miss you so much, but I can't imagine my life with you not in it...the pain in missing you is worth every tear for the moments we shared with you...for the love that you gave us.
Until we "meet" my sweet boy know your mommy and daddy love you with every ounce of their souls...
I talk to you often, but today I want to write you a letter...that way you will never forget what I'm about to tell you. Its been one month shy of one year since we said our goodbyes to you. I know that you likely left us a few days before. I often wonder about that exact moment...what I was doing, how you were feeling...the moment you really left us. Its so crazy that I knew you, but never really met you...how many people can say that. I spent 7 months getting to know you, loving you...all the while I never looked into your eyes and saw your precious soul. We saw your body...your temporary dwelling...you were a beautiful baby and oh how I wish I could see you grow up. We knew though when we saw you that the "real" you was no longer there, yet saying goodbye to your body was final.
Its been a tough 11 months sweetheart and I've missed you every minute of every day. The tears are fewer these days, but my thoughts and my love are just as strong as they were. I'm learning how to live here with you in Heaven. I feel like I went to Vegas and put absolutely everything I have on one bet...that God is real and you are with Him. I have to believe it because I don't know how I could get through the days without knowing I would get to meet the sweet soul I grew to know and love. I can't wait until that day Gabriel!
The main reason I'm writing to you is because I need you to know something. I'm sure I've shared this before, but now that Thanksgiving is approaching I need you to know that I'm thankful for you. Your short life had such great purpose! I thought I knew what love was until you came into our lives. From the moment I saw the positive sign I was in love. That love grew each day as I learned or experienced something new. I still remember your second ultrasound like it was yesterday. I wasn't feeling you move yet, but watching your arms and legs move on the screen was unreal...we saw the life that was growing within me...we saw a little miracle that day and fell even more in love. That love grew as you kept me awake in the wee hours kicking me. And grew even more as your daddy would touch my tummy and talk to you. Gabriel, we wanted you here...we wanted you in our arms...we didn't get a choice in how you left us. I would change it if I could, but since I can't you need to know that I love you like I will love no other...you my sweet boy have a piece of my heart...hold it tight and you can give it back to me when we meet :)
You taught me about unconditional love. You didn't have to DO anything...just be my son...which you did well. The hopes and dreams we had for you are gone, but I'm learning that I need to focus on those months we had WITH you and not without you.
I'm not sure if you see me or hear me, but if you do then I'm sure you know that you will forever be a part of this family. Whether you will have more brothers or sisters we don't know, but we will always rejoice in the fact that we have you.
I miss you so much, but I can't imagine my life with you not in it...the pain in missing you is worth every tear for the moments we shared with you...for the love that you gave us.
Until we "meet" my sweet boy know your mommy and daddy love you with every ounce of their souls...
Thursday, October 31, 2013
The land of what could have been
The other day I got a mailer from Babies R Us that had "Baby's First Christmas" splashed across the front along with a cute baby in Christmas attire. I'm assuming this came as a result of our baby registry we had for Gabriel. These triggers happen more often than most people know. One simple mailer causes me to think about what could have been for the next several minutes or hours depending on the trigger. Then life moves forward and you get caught in it for a few minutes or hours until the next trigger. Its hard and exhausting living this way...never knowing when something will bring you to tears, take your breath away, or cause you to leave the present and go to a place that doesn't even exist... The land of what could have been.
For a place that doesn't exist I sure go there often...often on special days like holidays, birthdays etc., but people may be surprised how often I go there in normal everyday moments. I went to the store yesterday and in the row of carts there were only those with carriers inside and I had to go outside to get a regular cart...I should be taking Gabriel with me to the grocery store... a regular part of our weekly routine. I should be trying to figure out when the best time to go so as not to disrupt his nap or feeding time...I imagine what that simple task of the day should look like...but instead I have to leave what could have been and finish my grocery shopping. Ah, but only minutes later walking by the baby aisle and see baby food and go back to what could have been and wonder what stage of food he would be ready for by this point etc. And back and forth between worlds I go...all day...everyday...never a break from travel. Some days I get more tired than others...the trips can be more emotional. Some days I have to work hard not to get lost in what could have been because I've stayed too long. No one tells you about these trips back and forth...no one warns you that you often don't have control of when you are going...no one warns you about re entry into real life...and no one warns you that you will take dozens of these trips everyday for the rest of your life. Minus the gaping hole in my heart...life is good here...I have an amazing husband...a precious puppy dog....and lots of family and friends that care so I always come back, but I understand how some couples going through this kind of loss don't come back as often as they need to...how they get lost in what could have been and spend more time there than they do in real life. Its easy to do...way too easy...no one warns you about that either.
I miss my son terribly, but I have to force myself to leave what could have been because its just not a good place to live. You may be forced to visit...that's beyond your control, but you don't have to live there.
For a place that doesn't exist I sure go there often...often on special days like holidays, birthdays etc., but people may be surprised how often I go there in normal everyday moments. I went to the store yesterday and in the row of carts there were only those with carriers inside and I had to go outside to get a regular cart...I should be taking Gabriel with me to the grocery store... a regular part of our weekly routine. I should be trying to figure out when the best time to go so as not to disrupt his nap or feeding time...I imagine what that simple task of the day should look like...but instead I have to leave what could have been and finish my grocery shopping. Ah, but only minutes later walking by the baby aisle and see baby food and go back to what could have been and wonder what stage of food he would be ready for by this point etc. And back and forth between worlds I go...all day...everyday...never a break from travel. Some days I get more tired than others...the trips can be more emotional. Some days I have to work hard not to get lost in what could have been because I've stayed too long. No one tells you about these trips back and forth...no one warns you that you often don't have control of when you are going...no one warns you about re entry into real life...and no one warns you that you will take dozens of these trips everyday for the rest of your life. Minus the gaping hole in my heart...life is good here...I have an amazing husband...a precious puppy dog....and lots of family and friends that care so I always come back, but I understand how some couples going through this kind of loss don't come back as often as they need to...how they get lost in what could have been and spend more time there than they do in real life. Its easy to do...way too easy...no one warns you about that either.
I miss my son terribly, but I have to force myself to leave what could have been because its just not a good place to live. You may be forced to visit...that's beyond your control, but you don't have to live there.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Wherever You Are My Love Will Find You
Tomorrow Levine Children's Hospital and Kindermourn are doing a butterfly release ceremony to recognize babies lost to stillbirth and neonatal loss in honor of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Month.
After the success of Gabriel's book drive, they told his story at an administrators' meeting at CMC and then we were asked to read our book at the ceremony tomorrow. We are honored to have a part in the ceremony, but I just wanted to take another opportunity to say thank you again for all of those that participated in our book drive in March.
After seeing the positive response to the book from families going through our same grief, CMC would like to make this an annual book drive. I miss my son terribly and not a moment goes by that I'm not reminded of his absence, but I am thankful that we are able to do something positive in his memory.
Our time with him was too short, but I am thankful that we were able to create some memories with him while he was with us. My favorite memory will always be of our "family" time when we read to him in the womb. This book drive is one of the few ways that I can think of that helps to keep Gabriel's memory alive and provides memories for other grieving families.
A few people that weren't able to participate in our book drive in March asked if they can still donate books. We will collect books all year round, but plan to make as delivery to CMC in March because we raised enough books last time to last almost a year. We will be working on an easier way to purchase and deliver books, but until then I've included our Amazon wish list link that ships directly to us. Please be sure to add your name as a gift note because we received so many books that did not include names.
Thank you again to the following people that made Gabriel's book drive possible.
Lucy Larmondra
Mike and Lisa Ensalaco
Dan and Arielle Larmondra
Tom and Susie Larmondra
Dave and Maureen Valentine
Carol Valentine
Related Services Department at Cabarrus County Schools
Amelia Barrows
Amber Silianoff
Amy Channell
Nancy Kiger
Reagan Crummey
Regina Beamon
Sharon Antoszyk
Lindsey Johnson
Allison Megahey
Jill Spencer
Julie Phillips
Stephanie Bryant
Ally Betley
Joyce Ray
Monica Smith
Christy Takach
Joyce Camp
Anne-Marie Key
Bobbie Jo Migliaccio
Gretchen Baute
Heather Drye
Bobbie Jo Migliaccio
Gretchen Baute
Heather Drye
Sherry Lee
Carrie Whitley
Heather Clarke
Laura Pennell
Tina Willis
Joy Lineberger
Michel Lapalombella
Michel Lapalombella
Brandy Mills
Melissa Tapp
Cindy Hill
Pat Konicki
Audrey Remkus
Amanda Allen
Chris & Mauri Booth
Rebekah Hart
Lindsey Pratx
Ludmila Pashaev
Sandra Etherington
Tori Springate
Karen Cameron
Stacie and Jeff Yoder
Beth & Brian White
Nicole Anthony
Becky Stebelton
Mialee Schmeltzer
Matt and Katie Taylor
Matt and Katie Taylor
Deborah Drain & Family
Erin Conner-Holschuh
Ashleigh & Chris Twedt
Robbye Fielden
David Cline
Paul and Gretchen Kubinksi
Seth and Shannon McKay
April Lewis (Pinedale Christian Church)
Rick and Becky WaltonPaul and Gretchen Kubinksi
Seth and Shannon McKay
April Lewis (Pinedale Christian Church)
Kaye Goldbach
Michelle Kovalchick
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
another sleepless night
4 a.m. and been awake for a few hours now. I occassionally have a sleepless night but they are becoming fewer and fewer as time goes on. Most of them happen when my husband is traveling and all the fear of something happening to him too seeps in. I've always been a bit of a worrier, but since losing Gabriel I realize how fragile life really is.
Tonight there is no specific reason for my sleeplessness...not sure how it started, but here I am...in the dark...with my thoughts...and they always go back to the same place...my son. I do feel like sometimes I hold onto the pain as a punishment of sorts, but sometimes the pain just finds me...in the night...in the dark...and I can't escape it.
I'm not sure there will ever come a day when the pain doesn't find me unexpectedly. It doesn't just find me in the night, but in the grocery when I hear an unexpected baby cry. It finds me on facebook with an unexpected pregnancy announcement. It finds me watching mindless television...because even on Sci-fi shows they unexpectedly introduce a baby or pregnancy theme. I can't distract myself, I can't run away from it...it always finds me.
One good thing about pain is that it reminds you that you are still alive...still survivng...and you are not forgetting. I'm not sure that pain and remembering can be separated...so if I have to experience the pain in order to remember my son...well, it's worth it.
Gabriel didn't bring the pain...he brought love to my life...it was when he left that the pain came. Since I can't have my son back right now...I'll take the pain. I'll feel the pain so that I can feel the love...it's incredibly difficult, but worth it.
So...on these sleepless nights...my mind wanders to a dark place...but in that dark place I also find love. I think about darkness and love and am reminded of the cross...the ultimate place where darkness and love intertwined.
Gabriel, my hearts hurts...my heart hurts because you are not here...I always look for you in the darkness though and find love. I look forward to the day that I can love you without the pain...but until then my sweet boy...my tears welcome your love in my life.
Tonight there is no specific reason for my sleeplessness...not sure how it started, but here I am...in the dark...with my thoughts...and they always go back to the same place...my son. I do feel like sometimes I hold onto the pain as a punishment of sorts, but sometimes the pain just finds me...in the night...in the dark...and I can't escape it.
I'm not sure there will ever come a day when the pain doesn't find me unexpectedly. It doesn't just find me in the night, but in the grocery when I hear an unexpected baby cry. It finds me on facebook with an unexpected pregnancy announcement. It finds me watching mindless television...because even on Sci-fi shows they unexpectedly introduce a baby or pregnancy theme. I can't distract myself, I can't run away from it...it always finds me.
One good thing about pain is that it reminds you that you are still alive...still survivng...and you are not forgetting. I'm not sure that pain and remembering can be separated...so if I have to experience the pain in order to remember my son...well, it's worth it.
Gabriel didn't bring the pain...he brought love to my life...it was when he left that the pain came. Since I can't have my son back right now...I'll take the pain. I'll feel the pain so that I can feel the love...it's incredibly difficult, but worth it.
So...on these sleepless nights...my mind wanders to a dark place...but in that dark place I also find love. I think about darkness and love and am reminded of the cross...the ultimate place where darkness and love intertwined.
Gabriel, my hearts hurts...my heart hurts because you are not here...I always look for you in the darkness though and find love. I look forward to the day that I can love you without the pain...but until then my sweet boy...my tears welcome your love in my life.
Friday, October 4, 2013
dedicated to those that "get it"
It's been awhile since I last posted...believe me it's not because I think of Gabriel less or hurt any less...actually it seems that I feel the pain more these days. I was so numb in the beginning struggling to process what happened...then the anger masked a lot of the hurt...now almost 10 months later...I just simply miss my son....that's it.
I look at his picture all the time, but yesterday I found myself staring at it in disbelief...that's my son that I had to say goodbye to too soon...my son who I never "officially" met, but knew. I saw it differently than before...saying to myself...yes, that's my son. Its becoming more real these days...I realize now that my life is left to live without my son...no longer any hope that it was as bad dream. I'm wide awake and figuring out how to live this "new" life. Every thing I do or decision I make tells me that Gabriel isn't here...every choice I make is different because he isn't here.
I can't bring Gabriel back and as my spiritual struggle continues all I can do is move forward. The guilt weighs in regularly...learning how to balance moving forward with remembering and honoring my son is tough.
I haven't walked these last 10 months alone and I just wanted to say thank you to the beautiful people in my life that "get it" and have been there each and every painful step. We received so many cards, flowers etc. in the days and weeks following Gabriel's passing. I think most people think that it gets better after a month or so, but what they don't realize is we have only started on this painful road. I want to focus on the few that get that...the few that still check in regularly... the few that don't hesitate talking about Gabriel...the few that understand why I can't attend a certain function...the few that still include us in their lives...the few that don't ignore the elephant in the room...the few that don't dismiss our feelings...the few that acknowledge our pain...the few that aren't afraid to ask questions...the few that give me the opportunity to talk if I need to...the few that aren't afraid to show their emotion when i talk about him...the few that understand that we are changed people...the few that accept us for who we are now....the few that respect our feelings on sensitive topics or situations...the few that "get it".
I know there are still a handful of people that read this blog...you are likely amongst those that get it...so thank you.
I have the most amazing husband and although he has been such a source of strength for me...often people forget that he's still grieving too. I'm thankful that he has people in his life that "get it" too.
Those of you that "get it"...well, you are a rare find...a true blessing and I am forever grateful to have you in my life. I hope you know who you are.
I look at his picture all the time, but yesterday I found myself staring at it in disbelief...that's my son that I had to say goodbye to too soon...my son who I never "officially" met, but knew. I saw it differently than before...saying to myself...yes, that's my son. Its becoming more real these days...I realize now that my life is left to live without my son...no longer any hope that it was as bad dream. I'm wide awake and figuring out how to live this "new" life. Every thing I do or decision I make tells me that Gabriel isn't here...every choice I make is different because he isn't here.
I can't bring Gabriel back and as my spiritual struggle continues all I can do is move forward. The guilt weighs in regularly...learning how to balance moving forward with remembering and honoring my son is tough.
I haven't walked these last 10 months alone and I just wanted to say thank you to the beautiful people in my life that "get it" and have been there each and every painful step. We received so many cards, flowers etc. in the days and weeks following Gabriel's passing. I think most people think that it gets better after a month or so, but what they don't realize is we have only started on this painful road. I want to focus on the few that get that...the few that still check in regularly... the few that don't hesitate talking about Gabriel...the few that understand why I can't attend a certain function...the few that still include us in their lives...the few that don't ignore the elephant in the room...the few that don't dismiss our feelings...the few that acknowledge our pain...the few that aren't afraid to ask questions...the few that give me the opportunity to talk if I need to...the few that aren't afraid to show their emotion when i talk about him...the few that understand that we are changed people...the few that accept us for who we are now....the few that respect our feelings on sensitive topics or situations...the few that "get it".
I know there are still a handful of people that read this blog...you are likely amongst those that get it...so thank you.
I have the most amazing husband and although he has been such a source of strength for me...often people forget that he's still grieving too. I'm thankful that he has people in his life that "get it" too.
Those of you that "get it"...well, you are a rare find...a true blessing and I am forever grateful to have you in my life. I hope you know who you are.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
my baby's silent birth
After experiencing another miscarriage it's brought up a lot of unresolved pain from losing Gabriel. I'm still trying to work through it all. One of the most difficult things about stillbirth is that the world doesn't treat it as a child loss, but rather pregnancy loss. If I had a baby that died at 2 months then people have had an opportunity to see the baby, hold the baby, hear its cry, look into its eyes. When that baby dies others feel the loss as well...not just the parents...they saw and held a REAL baby and that baby is gone. Everyone grieves the loss of a baby that was here and everyone treats the parents as if they lost a child. For us, we went into the hospital and I was pregnant and we left and I was not pregnant....I lost a pregnancy...at least that is how most people view it and make me feel. I really want to break the silence of stillbirth and let the world know we lost a baby that day and not just a baby but a baby that we grew to know and love...we lost our child that day. That's a lot of what this blog is about. I know that everyone didn't come to know and love Gabriel like we did...of course not we are his parents, but if I can get others to understand the difference between pregnancy loss and child loss and that we in fact lost our child...I think would not only help me in the healing process but maybe even help other poor souls that experience this same tragedy.
I may have mentioned this before but its a great example of how people didn't equate our loss with a child loss. We lost Gabriel the week before Christmas and the week following Christmas school was on break. I remember getting an email that week which was less than two weeks after losing Gabriel and in it someone assumed I would be going back to work at the end of break...just a little over 2 weeks after saying goodbye to my son. Not only did I go through labor and delivery just like every other mom but I also lost my baby...I thought it was odd that someone thought that after 2 weeks I should or would be ready to go back to my job, but I realized then that they didn't think about me losing my baby that day...they viewed it as a pregnancy loss. I received so many resources from people about pregnancy loss and miscarriage and it was hard to swallow at times because while pregnancy loss is difficult its not the same as kissing the face of your sweet angel. I remember talking to a friend and she didn't realize that I had to go through labor and delivery. I'm sure most people don't give it much thought...they just think they lost their baby and the how doesn't seem to enter into people's thoughts. Anyway, I can talk about my feelings all day and those that didn't get it before still won't get it. So I thought the best way for people to understand or "get it" is to talk about Gabriel and talk about his birth.
Gabriel was a very active boy in my womb...lots of kicking and punching and I loved every second of it. I remember having to get up in the middle of the night almost every night to go to the bathroom and when I laid back down Gabriel thought it was time to wake up. Kicking and punching and rolling at 3a.m. I knew we would have our hands full. My two favorite times of the day were after school on my drive home and at night laying in bed at the end of the day. Gabriel was super active during those times and I embraced every second of it. Tom would lay his hands on my stomach as we read to Gabriel each night...our family time was so precious to me. We always used his name when we talked to him and we told him all about the wonderful things that would be here when he arrived. We talked to him about his puppy dog and how he would love growing up with Lily and all the wonderful things we would be doing together as a family. I sang to Gabriel in the car as I would feel him kick. We were connected...we had already started bonding with our son.
One day came that Gabriel wasn't his active self. A momma knows her baby and I should have trusted my instincts. I heard his heartbeat on my Doppler and called the doc who assured me everything was fine and that it was normal to not have consistent movement before 28 weeks. So the days went by and I would feel an occasional kick or turn, but he just wasn't active like he was before. Then the day came and I didn't feel him move all day. I got out my Doppler and no heartbeat...I just hoped he was in a weird position and tried it again later but still no heartbeat which was confirmed at the hospital. I remember them looking with the Doppler and then saying they needed to do an ultrasound. During the ultrasound they were trying to get Tom to fill out paperwork...and I remember grabbing his hand because although no one said anything yet I saw them all huddled around the screen and on the screen was my baby...perfectly still.
The doctor confirmed Gabriels heart had stopped and I was taken to another room where I was eventually induced. This was on Sunday afternoon and I didn't deliver Gabriel until almost midnight on Monday...the most grueling 36 + hours of my life. I had an epidural pretty early on because we did an amnio and quite frankly the emotional pain was more than I could bear at that point. I remember periods of bawling and periods of complete stillness...still not grasping that my baby was gone. I remember when it was time to deliver...I was terrified... not of pain like most woman during childbirth are, but I knew once I delivered...it was over...that we would hold him etc. but the goodbye would be final.
I remember during delivery Tom holding me tight and telling me to just look at him. He was my rock at that moment although I knew deep down he had no real strength left either. I hadn't had my childbirth classes yet so I wasn't quite sure how and when to push, but again Tom was my support. They asked us prior to delivery what we wanted to do and there was no doubt that we wanted to hold our baby. I know it is a hard decision for some couples but I couldn't imagine not seeing him, touching him. I have to admit though that I did have a moment of fear in the seconds between delivering him and the doctor placing him in my arms. I was afraid that maybe he wouldn't look "normal" and just not knowing what to expect. The second he placed Gabriel in my arms I looked at my son and he looked like a beautiful sleeping baby that would wake up at any second...no more fear...only love at that moment. I first noticed his bright red pouty lips. Next I noticed his dark wavy hair...he didn't have a lot of hair but what he had was obviously mine. I remember looking at each and every feature and knowing immediately who it belonged to. He had giant ear lobes that he certainly didn't get from me. I think about his feet a lot. I remember seeing that big toe that was slightly separated from the other toes and looked just like Tom's...just miniature. I'm not sure why, but I remember looking at his feet for a long time. I've always loved baby feet and these were MY baby's feet! I also remember Tom holding him...the way he held him was exactly how I imagined. I didn't want to forget a single thing. I held his hand in my hand and knew that it was going to be impossible to say goodbye. I sang to him, Tom read to him. They took pictures, weighed and measured Gabriel and gave him back to me and said "whenever you're ready"...when would I ever be ready. Handing him over to the nurse was heartbreaking...as she walked out the door knowing I would never see him again.
The next day we left the hospital... they wheeled me out to the car and my arms never felt so empty. I lost my baby that day...not a pregnancy.
We never heard our baby cry...the room was silent that day, but that doesn't make our son any less real.
I know this may be hard for some to read, but I think it was important for me to share what I could about our baby. It was obvious that I lost my enormous pregnant belly...but I think not as obvious to some that we lost a child.
I'd give anything to know what his giggles would sound like, how he would look at me, or feel his hand close around my finger. But because I don't doesn't make our loss less real.
I miss my son...it helps to remember him, talk about him. He is no longer here, but is so very real in my heart.
I may have mentioned this before but its a great example of how people didn't equate our loss with a child loss. We lost Gabriel the week before Christmas and the week following Christmas school was on break. I remember getting an email that week which was less than two weeks after losing Gabriel and in it someone assumed I would be going back to work at the end of break...just a little over 2 weeks after saying goodbye to my son. Not only did I go through labor and delivery just like every other mom but I also lost my baby...I thought it was odd that someone thought that after 2 weeks I should or would be ready to go back to my job, but I realized then that they didn't think about me losing my baby that day...they viewed it as a pregnancy loss. I received so many resources from people about pregnancy loss and miscarriage and it was hard to swallow at times because while pregnancy loss is difficult its not the same as kissing the face of your sweet angel. I remember talking to a friend and she didn't realize that I had to go through labor and delivery. I'm sure most people don't give it much thought...they just think they lost their baby and the how doesn't seem to enter into people's thoughts. Anyway, I can talk about my feelings all day and those that didn't get it before still won't get it. So I thought the best way for people to understand or "get it" is to talk about Gabriel and talk about his birth.
Gabriel was a very active boy in my womb...lots of kicking and punching and I loved every second of it. I remember having to get up in the middle of the night almost every night to go to the bathroom and when I laid back down Gabriel thought it was time to wake up. Kicking and punching and rolling at 3a.m. I knew we would have our hands full. My two favorite times of the day were after school on my drive home and at night laying in bed at the end of the day. Gabriel was super active during those times and I embraced every second of it. Tom would lay his hands on my stomach as we read to Gabriel each night...our family time was so precious to me. We always used his name when we talked to him and we told him all about the wonderful things that would be here when he arrived. We talked to him about his puppy dog and how he would love growing up with Lily and all the wonderful things we would be doing together as a family. I sang to Gabriel in the car as I would feel him kick. We were connected...we had already started bonding with our son.
One day came that Gabriel wasn't his active self. A momma knows her baby and I should have trusted my instincts. I heard his heartbeat on my Doppler and called the doc who assured me everything was fine and that it was normal to not have consistent movement before 28 weeks. So the days went by and I would feel an occasional kick or turn, but he just wasn't active like he was before. Then the day came and I didn't feel him move all day. I got out my Doppler and no heartbeat...I just hoped he was in a weird position and tried it again later but still no heartbeat which was confirmed at the hospital. I remember them looking with the Doppler and then saying they needed to do an ultrasound. During the ultrasound they were trying to get Tom to fill out paperwork...and I remember grabbing his hand because although no one said anything yet I saw them all huddled around the screen and on the screen was my baby...perfectly still.
The doctor confirmed Gabriels heart had stopped and I was taken to another room where I was eventually induced. This was on Sunday afternoon and I didn't deliver Gabriel until almost midnight on Monday...the most grueling 36 + hours of my life. I had an epidural pretty early on because we did an amnio and quite frankly the emotional pain was more than I could bear at that point. I remember periods of bawling and periods of complete stillness...still not grasping that my baby was gone. I remember when it was time to deliver...I was terrified... not of pain like most woman during childbirth are, but I knew once I delivered...it was over...that we would hold him etc. but the goodbye would be final.
I remember during delivery Tom holding me tight and telling me to just look at him. He was my rock at that moment although I knew deep down he had no real strength left either. I hadn't had my childbirth classes yet so I wasn't quite sure how and when to push, but again Tom was my support. They asked us prior to delivery what we wanted to do and there was no doubt that we wanted to hold our baby. I know it is a hard decision for some couples but I couldn't imagine not seeing him, touching him. I have to admit though that I did have a moment of fear in the seconds between delivering him and the doctor placing him in my arms. I was afraid that maybe he wouldn't look "normal" and just not knowing what to expect. The second he placed Gabriel in my arms I looked at my son and he looked like a beautiful sleeping baby that would wake up at any second...no more fear...only love at that moment. I first noticed his bright red pouty lips. Next I noticed his dark wavy hair...he didn't have a lot of hair but what he had was obviously mine. I remember looking at each and every feature and knowing immediately who it belonged to. He had giant ear lobes that he certainly didn't get from me. I think about his feet a lot. I remember seeing that big toe that was slightly separated from the other toes and looked just like Tom's...just miniature. I'm not sure why, but I remember looking at his feet for a long time. I've always loved baby feet and these were MY baby's feet! I also remember Tom holding him...the way he held him was exactly how I imagined. I didn't want to forget a single thing. I held his hand in my hand and knew that it was going to be impossible to say goodbye. I sang to him, Tom read to him. They took pictures, weighed and measured Gabriel and gave him back to me and said "whenever you're ready"...when would I ever be ready. Handing him over to the nurse was heartbreaking...as she walked out the door knowing I would never see him again.
The next day we left the hospital... they wheeled me out to the car and my arms never felt so empty. I lost my baby that day...not a pregnancy.
We never heard our baby cry...the room was silent that day, but that doesn't make our son any less real.
I know this may be hard for some to read, but I think it was important for me to share what I could about our baby. It was obvious that I lost my enormous pregnant belly...but I think not as obvious to some that we lost a child.
I'd give anything to know what his giggles would sound like, how he would look at me, or feel his hand close around my finger. But because I don't doesn't make our loss less real.
I miss my son...it helps to remember him, talk about him. He is no longer here, but is so very real in my heart.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
The lyrics to this song by Lifehouse couldn't be more true for where I am right now. Life is just survival now and its getting harder and harder to tread. If only I could see God right now or He could show me He cares about what we're going through.
Friday, July 12, 2013
sometimes there are no answers
It's been a month since my last post and as I read over my recent posts I can tell that I was in the anger phase of the grief process. This past month has been an emotional roller coaster. Most of you that read this blog probably already know that we are losing another baby. I found out I was pregnant again about 5 weeks ago. We thought that maybe we had a reason to be happy again...something to be joyful about. All of my initial bloodwork was good and everything seemed to be headed in a positive direction so we felt like we could actually be excited about this new life coming into our life. We had our first ultrasound and all that was seen was an empty sac and I was measuring behind. We began to grieve our loss because I knew my dates were spot on and I didn't see a lot of hope. I felt like we had hit rock bottom...I prayed...I prayed that God would save this pregnancy, but at the same time I knew that I didn't want to lose another baby so I prayed that if this pregnancy wasn't meant to be that He take it now because I couldn't go through the turmoil of seeing a baby and then losing it. So our next scan was only 5 days later and we miraculously saw 6 days of growth and inside the sac was a fetal pole...the sac was no longer empty and although there was no heartbeat yet I felt that God heard my prayers and that He was stepping in. So we had to wait for another week for our next ultrasound and although I knew that this didn't fit any textbook pregnancy I believed that God would show us a miracle. We went in knowing that things could go bad, but believing that God would show Himself. Not only was there no heartbeat, there was no growth since our last scan. So now we wait to miscarry again. I'm not sure what to think of God right now...why allow me to keep getting pregnant if it's not meant to be. Why did he allow us to see a baby at the last scan and then take it away.
The cruelest part of this experience is that I'm likely miscarrying due to a chromosome problem...but we had Gabriel here for 27 weeks that was normally developing and we lost him for a completely different reason. So we got lucky with Gabriel...perfect little embryo that grew and developed into a beautiful baby...but then he didn't get to come home with us. How unlucky can two people get. Our miscarriages completely unrelated to Gabriel and yet we lost them all. It's not about what is fair or right or what we deserve or don't deserve...It feels as if God is just being cruel to us at this point...for what purpose? I don't want to hear another person say it's part of some grand plan that God has for us...because whatever the future holds for us there had to of been another way...a less painful way. If God wants us to adopt then why let us get pregnant over and over again...and why let us carry a baby to the point that he could have lived outside of my womb and then take him?
It's hard not to be angry...and no I don't just accept "God's plan" and know that there is joy in the suffering like I've been told. There has been no joy in our suffering and just as we had a glimpse that God would maybe spare us from more pain...He did not. Why would God want His children to develop hard hearts? I've given my life to further His Kingdom...I've worked in children's homes, helped planted churches etc. all for little to no money. I scraped by for years to give of my time to do His work. Some of you knew me when I worked 2 jobs so that I could afford to work for the church for free. I taught children about God's unfailing love...and now I sit here questioning the years that I devoted to Him because I feel far from loved right now.
I still believe in God...just don't feel like I don't really know who He is anymore...the things that I thought I knew about God just don't seem to fit the reality that we are living.
I miss my son...I miss him as much today as the day before and the day we lost him. People say it gets better in time...but it's not true because love and pain are intertwined...I don't love him any less so why would I hurt any less?!?! You learn how to cope, you learn how to manage...but the pain never leaves. I have a lot of questions for God...just wish that He could answer some while here on earth. I don't really want to hear the old cliches anymore...I don't want to here about God's plan for my life...I definitely don't want to hear about joy in the suffering. Maybe one day it will become clear to me and I can look back and read these entries and say "If I only knew what I know now"...but until then...let me be angry...let me be sad...let me question God...let me do these things without feeling like less of a Christian or that my faith isn't strong enough. Because I believed...I believed that God could do something amazing in our life and He didn't...
I appreciate all of the beautiful messages and emails that I received from my prayer warriors yesterday...I am thankful that there are some amazing people in our life that are praying for us when we just can't...and I am thankful for those that understand that sometimes there are no answers and don't try to say things to just make me feel better...because there are no words that can possibly answer the pain that I feel.
The cruelest part of this experience is that I'm likely miscarrying due to a chromosome problem...but we had Gabriel here for 27 weeks that was normally developing and we lost him for a completely different reason. So we got lucky with Gabriel...perfect little embryo that grew and developed into a beautiful baby...but then he didn't get to come home with us. How unlucky can two people get. Our miscarriages completely unrelated to Gabriel and yet we lost them all. It's not about what is fair or right or what we deserve or don't deserve...It feels as if God is just being cruel to us at this point...for what purpose? I don't want to hear another person say it's part of some grand plan that God has for us...because whatever the future holds for us there had to of been another way...a less painful way. If God wants us to adopt then why let us get pregnant over and over again...and why let us carry a baby to the point that he could have lived outside of my womb and then take him?
It's hard not to be angry...and no I don't just accept "God's plan" and know that there is joy in the suffering like I've been told. There has been no joy in our suffering and just as we had a glimpse that God would maybe spare us from more pain...He did not. Why would God want His children to develop hard hearts? I've given my life to further His Kingdom...I've worked in children's homes, helped planted churches etc. all for little to no money. I scraped by for years to give of my time to do His work. Some of you knew me when I worked 2 jobs so that I could afford to work for the church for free. I taught children about God's unfailing love...and now I sit here questioning the years that I devoted to Him because I feel far from loved right now.
I still believe in God...just don't feel like I don't really know who He is anymore...the things that I thought I knew about God just don't seem to fit the reality that we are living.
I miss my son...I miss him as much today as the day before and the day we lost him. People say it gets better in time...but it's not true because love and pain are intertwined...I don't love him any less so why would I hurt any less?!?! You learn how to cope, you learn how to manage...but the pain never leaves. I have a lot of questions for God...just wish that He could answer some while here on earth. I don't really want to hear the old cliches anymore...I don't want to here about God's plan for my life...I definitely don't want to hear about joy in the suffering. Maybe one day it will become clear to me and I can look back and read these entries and say "If I only knew what I know now"...but until then...let me be angry...let me be sad...let me question God...let me do these things without feeling like less of a Christian or that my faith isn't strong enough. Because I believed...I believed that God could do something amazing in our life and He didn't...
I appreciate all of the beautiful messages and emails that I received from my prayer warriors yesterday...I am thankful that there are some amazing people in our life that are praying for us when we just can't...and I am thankful for those that understand that sometimes there are no answers and don't try to say things to just make me feel better...because there are no words that can possibly answer the pain that I feel.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
the mask
It's been almost a month since I last wrote...not sure if anyone reads this, but I do it for my own therapy. It's been almost 6 months since we said goodbye to Gabriel and the pain is still very fresh. I think about him all of the time and one minute I'm fine and the next I want to cry. I don't think that most people really know how broken my heart still is. I feel like a fake with most people. Many mornings I get up for work and melt in the bathroom before getting ready...some mornings it is hard to just pull myself off of the floor, but I do and go to work and go about my business like everything is okay. But it's not okay...I'm not okay. I'm not sure that I'll ever be "right". I feel like even those that know how hard it's been for me judge me to a certain extent. I feel like people expect me to get up, dust myself off and go on...and it's just not that easy. I know some people may think I'm sitting around feeling sorry for myself and that's not the case either. I have asked God "why me?"...I've asked that because I felt we did everything right and Gabriel is still not here. We prayed over Gabriel...we did devotions together as a family...and God obviously wasn't listening to my prayers (so it feels). I know many women (some believers and some not) that go about their pregnancies without a care in the world...even to the point of putting their babies in danger because of their stupidity and their babies are here. I think if one more person says we had a lesson to learn etc. I will scream. Why would we have to learn this lesson that so many others don't. I still talk to God, still read my Bible, and will still pray over any future children, but I do still question...a lot.
I have a handful of people in my life that I think see me without a mask. They see my raw pain and are loving me through it...hurting with me. Some don't understand and think I'm wallowing in self-pity because certain situations make me feel uncomfortable. I have decided to resign from teaching. My husband and I have both talked about it and feel that it is the best decision for us right now. I actually had a co-worker tell me the other day that she didn't think it would be good for me because it would lend itself to me being home feeling sorry for myself...ouch. I go to a job that really makes me question God's ultimate plan. I know children that I teach that are in homes where they are not taken care of at best, and some abused etc. and it is difficult to see that women who treat their children like garbage have not one healthy child, but five. They resent their children and they are viewed as problems rather than blessings. So you tell me...why does this woman not have a lesson to learn? Why do these children have to go through this hurt and pain when their are parents out their that would do anything for a healthy baby. It's really hard for me to deal with that on a regular basis. These same people that judge me have no idea that I get in my car at the end of the day and cry...almost every day! Do these same people that think that I'm feeling sorry for myself understand what it is like to talk to a mom on the phone that says things like "I have five children, I don't have time to come in and talk to each of their teachers!" meanwhile their children come to school covered in bruises and can't tell you how they got them. I've dedicated my life to working with children and God takes my baby, but gives this woman five.
I went to watch my husband play soccer one night and was sitting around with some of the other church members watching them play when one of the pregnant wives shows up...instantly there is all kinds of conversation about her baby belly and how adorable she looks etc. They start asking her questions and she talks about her swollen ankles etc. and I just have to leave the situation. Is that feeling sorry for myself because it hurts me to be there. People weren't being insensitive, but in that moment they were focused on her and no one remembered in that moment that I just lost my baby...I don't expect them to, but I do expect people to understand why it's too much for me to be in those kind of situations. They can easily forget about Gabriel while they are rubbing her belly etc., but how could I possibly forget about my son in that moment.
I don't know when I'll be okay with seeing pregnant women, baby strollers, or celebrating birthdays, but right now it's hard...constant reminders of what is missing. It's not that I just don't have a baby...people compare my situation to infertility, but it couldn't be any more different. If we couldn't have a baby I would be sad because I always wanted children, but we would look into adoption or other ways to make that happen. I had a baby....my baby died...it's very different. A friend asked me to read this post by his favorite Christian writer on Mother's Day. I read the title and it said What about the infertile on Mother's Day? I didn't have to read the rest to know that it wasn't meant for me. I am a mother...always will be no matter what the future holds. Gabriel wasn't just a hope for the future, he wasn't a plan that wasn't happening the way that we wanted it to...he was my son...he was a baby that was in my life, a part of me for 7 months and now he is gone. A friend said to me one day...I still see the pain in your eyes...well, that pain will be there for the rest of my life...my life will always have something missing. I know many people can't handle seeing that pain so I continue to put on my mask and go about life to spare them. I hold it together for the sake of others most of the time because I don't want them to feel uncomfortable. Is it so bad that there are some days that I just don't want to hold it together...some days I just want to be. If that is feeling sorry for myself, well guess I am.
I am so blessed and so thankful for some of the most amazing relationships that God has blessed me with...some that I took for granted until these last 6 months. These past 6 months have been the most painful of my life and I could not have gotten through them without all of the prayers and support. I am constantly encouraged by those that talk to me about Gabriel on a regular basis...they use his name and remind me that they miss him too and that it is okay for me to hurt. They let me know they are praying for us, encourage me with scripture. I have people in my life that I can just "be" with...that I don't have to wear my mask with. It's draining wearing a mask...wish I didn't have to, but some people can't handle the reality of what is really underneath the surface of people.
I've learned through this tragedy that so many people have hidden pain...they shouldn't have to hide it, but people just don't know how to deal with it so it's easier sometimes. I hope that I've learned to be more understanding and compassionate of other people's struggles...I hope that people don't ever feel like they have to wear a mask around me.
I have a handful of people in my life that I think see me without a mask. They see my raw pain and are loving me through it...hurting with me. Some don't understand and think I'm wallowing in self-pity because certain situations make me feel uncomfortable. I have decided to resign from teaching. My husband and I have both talked about it and feel that it is the best decision for us right now. I actually had a co-worker tell me the other day that she didn't think it would be good for me because it would lend itself to me being home feeling sorry for myself...ouch. I go to a job that really makes me question God's ultimate plan. I know children that I teach that are in homes where they are not taken care of at best, and some abused etc. and it is difficult to see that women who treat their children like garbage have not one healthy child, but five. They resent their children and they are viewed as problems rather than blessings. So you tell me...why does this woman not have a lesson to learn? Why do these children have to go through this hurt and pain when their are parents out their that would do anything for a healthy baby. It's really hard for me to deal with that on a regular basis. These same people that judge me have no idea that I get in my car at the end of the day and cry...almost every day! Do these same people that think that I'm feeling sorry for myself understand what it is like to talk to a mom on the phone that says things like "I have five children, I don't have time to come in and talk to each of their teachers!" meanwhile their children come to school covered in bruises and can't tell you how they got them. I've dedicated my life to working with children and God takes my baby, but gives this woman five.
I went to watch my husband play soccer one night and was sitting around with some of the other church members watching them play when one of the pregnant wives shows up...instantly there is all kinds of conversation about her baby belly and how adorable she looks etc. They start asking her questions and she talks about her swollen ankles etc. and I just have to leave the situation. Is that feeling sorry for myself because it hurts me to be there. People weren't being insensitive, but in that moment they were focused on her and no one remembered in that moment that I just lost my baby...I don't expect them to, but I do expect people to understand why it's too much for me to be in those kind of situations. They can easily forget about Gabriel while they are rubbing her belly etc., but how could I possibly forget about my son in that moment.
I don't know when I'll be okay with seeing pregnant women, baby strollers, or celebrating birthdays, but right now it's hard...constant reminders of what is missing. It's not that I just don't have a baby...people compare my situation to infertility, but it couldn't be any more different. If we couldn't have a baby I would be sad because I always wanted children, but we would look into adoption or other ways to make that happen. I had a baby....my baby died...it's very different. A friend asked me to read this post by his favorite Christian writer on Mother's Day. I read the title and it said What about the infertile on Mother's Day? I didn't have to read the rest to know that it wasn't meant for me. I am a mother...always will be no matter what the future holds. Gabriel wasn't just a hope for the future, he wasn't a plan that wasn't happening the way that we wanted it to...he was my son...he was a baby that was in my life, a part of me for 7 months and now he is gone. A friend said to me one day...I still see the pain in your eyes...well, that pain will be there for the rest of my life...my life will always have something missing. I know many people can't handle seeing that pain so I continue to put on my mask and go about life to spare them. I hold it together for the sake of others most of the time because I don't want them to feel uncomfortable. Is it so bad that there are some days that I just don't want to hold it together...some days I just want to be. If that is feeling sorry for myself, well guess I am.
I am so blessed and so thankful for some of the most amazing relationships that God has blessed me with...some that I took for granted until these last 6 months. These past 6 months have been the most painful of my life and I could not have gotten through them without all of the prayers and support. I am constantly encouraged by those that talk to me about Gabriel on a regular basis...they use his name and remind me that they miss him too and that it is okay for me to hurt. They let me know they are praying for us, encourage me with scripture. I have people in my life that I can just "be" with...that I don't have to wear my mask with. It's draining wearing a mask...wish I didn't have to, but some people can't handle the reality of what is really underneath the surface of people.
I've learned through this tragedy that so many people have hidden pain...they shouldn't have to hide it, but people just don't know how to deal with it so it's easier sometimes. I hope that I've learned to be more understanding and compassionate of other people's struggles...I hope that people don't ever feel like they have to wear a mask around me.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
dark cloud
The other day as I was driving home there was a storm and a huge dark cloud looming over me dropping buckets of rain. I looked in the distance and could see clear blue skies. It seemed when I looked that it wasn't that far away, but as I drove I never reached the end of the dark cloud...it stayed looming over me. I feel like that dark cloud is following us in life too. The few months after Gabriel passed were very dark days for us. After we passed his due date I was still sad, but able to start looking forward for the first time. A few weeks ago Lily (our sweet puppy) was attacked by another dog and we had a few very scary nights with her. She was one of the few things that kept us going and could make us smile after we lossed Gabriel and here we were in danger of losing her as well. It's been two weeks and she is finally starting to heal, but today came...Mother's Day. My heart aches today as it did almost 5 months ago when we said goodbye. I find it hard to get up some days...especially days like today and function "normally"...I feel like I'm either falling apart or I'm a robot. If I allow myself to actually feel anything then I feel the deep sadness that is always there. So if I want to fuction without melting down then I have to just be numb.
Life will never be the same...life will never be right...and even when we try to focus on moving forward we still can't escape the black cloud looming over us. I pray every day now, but I feel like God has chosen not to hear me...I feel as if he has turned His back on me. People have been kind enough to give us spirtual guidance, but how can we continue to worship a God that continues to fail us. I've been on my knees completely broken and emptied and cried out to God...and either silence or more pain has come our way. I always felt that I had a strong faith, but I think that my faith is hanging on a very thin thread.
I saw someone the other day talk about how when they started tithing at their church that all of these wonderful things started to happen in their life...that God was blessing them for their sacrifice. I spent years in service to God...lived meagerly to work in the church for years...placed my marriage and family before God...and within the first year of our marriage we lost our first baby. I remember thinking did we not pray enough for this baby?!?! So when we got pregnant with Gabriel...we prayed like we've never prayed before...we loved him and would do anything we could for him. I remember many times on my knees holding my belly and asking for God's blessings on Gabriel....Tom laying his hands on my belly praying for our sweet boy...reading our devotional together at night as a "family". I remember starting to feel relaxed in the pregnancy...started to see the clear blue skies ahead...I felt that we were going to be taking Gabriel home and that maybe we learned whatever lesson it was for us to learn with our earlier loss. Then out of nowhere...he was gone. When I started not feeling Gabriel move as much, but his heart was still beating...I remember praying choking back the tears for God to protect Gabriel...days later he no longer had a heartbeat. God had a chance to save my baby, but He didn't. I've tried to think about this in a million different ways, but none of them satisfy my grieving heart.
Everyone says things like "we just don't understand the ways of God"...and that's fine...I don't have to understand why this happened anymore, but what I struggle with now is belief that prayer actually does anything. I've prayed for a lot of things in my life, but none more than my sweet baby. People say all the time that "God answered my prayers!"...did He really? or did something just get better on it's own? If God's purpose was to bring us closer to Him...this did nothing but make me cynical and put a chasm between me and God. Do I continue to pray? Yes, but not with the same heart...not with the heart that used to believe that God was actively involved in my life. Maybe we will reach the clear blue skies and Thank God for His blessings one day, but right now it is really hard to praise Him and thank Him because I feel like He deserted us when we needed Him most.
The other day someone said "God is helping you to move forward"...I wanted to say, but I'm either a zombie or a basket case...I am getting up each day because I have to...we are moving forward because we don't have a choice...if I did have a choice I never would have left the hospital, but held Gabriel in my arms for eternity...God has continued to give us life, but beyond that I'm not sure what God has done for us in the last 5 months...
I'm sure that God can handle my angry rants...and sometimes after I rant in angry I apologize in tears. I need Him in my life, but have doubts that He is or has ever been active in it. I just don't know how to handle this fight within me...fight between faith and doubt, trust and anger...
Right now...I just pray that He please lift this dark cloud from us...that He continue to love my son and let him know that he has a mommy and daddy that love him...is that too much to ask of Him?!?!
Gabriel...mommy misses you every day, but on days like today I get a better understanding of what I am truly missing without you here. I pray that God is taking good care of you and that we will one day be together again...
Life will never be the same...life will never be right...and even when we try to focus on moving forward we still can't escape the black cloud looming over us. I pray every day now, but I feel like God has chosen not to hear me...I feel as if he has turned His back on me. People have been kind enough to give us spirtual guidance, but how can we continue to worship a God that continues to fail us. I've been on my knees completely broken and emptied and cried out to God...and either silence or more pain has come our way. I always felt that I had a strong faith, but I think that my faith is hanging on a very thin thread.
I saw someone the other day talk about how when they started tithing at their church that all of these wonderful things started to happen in their life...that God was blessing them for their sacrifice. I spent years in service to God...lived meagerly to work in the church for years...placed my marriage and family before God...and within the first year of our marriage we lost our first baby. I remember thinking did we not pray enough for this baby?!?! So when we got pregnant with Gabriel...we prayed like we've never prayed before...we loved him and would do anything we could for him. I remember many times on my knees holding my belly and asking for God's blessings on Gabriel....Tom laying his hands on my belly praying for our sweet boy...reading our devotional together at night as a "family". I remember starting to feel relaxed in the pregnancy...started to see the clear blue skies ahead...I felt that we were going to be taking Gabriel home and that maybe we learned whatever lesson it was for us to learn with our earlier loss. Then out of nowhere...he was gone. When I started not feeling Gabriel move as much, but his heart was still beating...I remember praying choking back the tears for God to protect Gabriel...days later he no longer had a heartbeat. God had a chance to save my baby, but He didn't. I've tried to think about this in a million different ways, but none of them satisfy my grieving heart.
Everyone says things like "we just don't understand the ways of God"...and that's fine...I don't have to understand why this happened anymore, but what I struggle with now is belief that prayer actually does anything. I've prayed for a lot of things in my life, but none more than my sweet baby. People say all the time that "God answered my prayers!"...did He really? or did something just get better on it's own? If God's purpose was to bring us closer to Him...this did nothing but make me cynical and put a chasm between me and God. Do I continue to pray? Yes, but not with the same heart...not with the heart that used to believe that God was actively involved in my life. Maybe we will reach the clear blue skies and Thank God for His blessings one day, but right now it is really hard to praise Him and thank Him because I feel like He deserted us when we needed Him most.
The other day someone said "God is helping you to move forward"...I wanted to say, but I'm either a zombie or a basket case...I am getting up each day because I have to...we are moving forward because we don't have a choice...if I did have a choice I never would have left the hospital, but held Gabriel in my arms for eternity...God has continued to give us life, but beyond that I'm not sure what God has done for us in the last 5 months...
I'm sure that God can handle my angry rants...and sometimes after I rant in angry I apologize in tears. I need Him in my life, but have doubts that He is or has ever been active in it. I just don't know how to handle this fight within me...fight between faith and doubt, trust and anger...
Right now...I just pray that He please lift this dark cloud from us...that He continue to love my son and let him know that he has a mommy and daddy that love him...is that too much to ask of Him?!?!
Gabriel...mommy misses you every day, but on days like today I get a better understanding of what I am truly missing without you here. I pray that God is taking good care of you and that we will one day be together again...
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
a mother's grieving heart
This morning was meant to be...Wednesdays are my day off, but I had to schedule an IEP meeting for today because of schedule conflicts. The parent that I was meeting with was the mother of Gabriel (the boy that I spoke about in a previous post about signs). She told me that she needed to participate in this meeting by phone so I was suprised when I arrived to school this morning and she was there to meet in person. I told her that I was glad she was there, but thought we were going to do a phone conference...she responded "I felt like I needed to be here". Anyway, we had our meeting and in the course of the meeting we talked about how Gabriel was coping with losing his brother (her older son) that passed two years ago. The conversation eventually led to me telling her about losing my Gabriel and about the day that her Gabriel commented on my cross. She immediately teared up and said "I'm a believer in signs"...she went on to say that although our situations are different that no one can understand a mother's grieving heart other than another grieving mother. She hugged me as we both cried and said that she knows that Gabriel is in a better place...although that is hard to hear from other people for some reason I can accept it coming from her. To me what better place is there than in his mother's arms, but I know that as a believer that sitting in Heaven with our God is...just hard for me to accept sometimes.
Anyway, I have to believe that God is using this family to communicate with me...a boy named Gabriel and a grieving mother...and one of the few students that I've had to meet with their parents since Gabriel died...can't be a coincidence...
Anyway, I have to believe that God is using this family to communicate with me...a boy named Gabriel and a grieving mother...and one of the few students that I've had to meet with their parents since Gabriel died...can't be a coincidence...
Saturday, April 13, 2013
empty playground
I had a dream last night about Gabriel. I dreamt that a church was keeping Gabriel because when he was born he was so small and I couldn't take him home. In my dream I didn't know exactly where he was and we had to find him. We found the church and found Gabriel. The baby in the dream was much smaller than Gabriel actually was though, but I picked him up afraid that I wasn't going to be able to take care of him like he needed. It was time for us to take him home though and lots of friends were in the dream and they were there to help us bring home all of his things. The things that we were taking home though were things that in real life we never bought yet, but they were on his registry. My dream ended with us getting in the car to go home with him. I woke up with the feeling that I had at the beginning of the year which was Gabriel is alive, I just need to find him...then as the seconds between sleep and awake disappeared I realized that Gabriel was still gone...never to come home with us. I laid in bed feeling so empty.
I took Lily to the park today which often gets me emotional because I always envisioned taking Gabriel and Lily both to the park. I often see strollers, children playing etc. and it always makes me realize how much I'm missing out on. Today there were about 3 or 4 families on the playground when we started our walk. There was a pregnant woman pushing her about 18month old and she was smiling...seemingly carefree and I wondered if I will ever be able to smile like that. I walked Lily and we were doubling back to stay in the shade so that we came back the way that we came in and I looked at the playground and it was empty. It was odd seeing it full before and now empty. I saw some of the families under the picnic shelter so they hadn't actually left the park, but I couldn't take my eyes off of the empty playground. No kids being pushed in the swings, no giggling coming down the slide, no running or jumping...just quiet...just stillness. I thought that is not how a playground is meant to be...I playground is meant to be full of life, happiness, joy. My life feels like an empty playground...I know that this is not how it was meant, but it is. I look at our wedding pictures and see a woman with the biggest grin on her face...life was just beginning on that day, full of hope, full of possibility, full of love, full of joy...I have the same things in my life as I did that day, but the joy is gone. I love my husband more than I did on that day, but even the love we have for each other has changed...I love him more, but our innocent, carefree love is gone. When we look into each other's eyes now we see the deep sadness that lingers there...and will forever. This isn't how it was supposed to be.
We are coming up on 4 months...I've heard from other moms that there is a 4 month slump...I've hit it...hard. I'm back to crying multiple times a day...and I'm just sad. I miss my son and here 4 months later I'm still dreaming about how to bring him home...part of me doesn't want to accept the truth even still.
I took Lily to the park today which often gets me emotional because I always envisioned taking Gabriel and Lily both to the park. I often see strollers, children playing etc. and it always makes me realize how much I'm missing out on. Today there were about 3 or 4 families on the playground when we started our walk. There was a pregnant woman pushing her about 18month old and she was smiling...seemingly carefree and I wondered if I will ever be able to smile like that. I walked Lily and we were doubling back to stay in the shade so that we came back the way that we came in and I looked at the playground and it was empty. It was odd seeing it full before and now empty. I saw some of the families under the picnic shelter so they hadn't actually left the park, but I couldn't take my eyes off of the empty playground. No kids being pushed in the swings, no giggling coming down the slide, no running or jumping...just quiet...just stillness. I thought that is not how a playground is meant to be...I playground is meant to be full of life, happiness, joy. My life feels like an empty playground...I know that this is not how it was meant, but it is. I look at our wedding pictures and see a woman with the biggest grin on her face...life was just beginning on that day, full of hope, full of possibility, full of love, full of joy...I have the same things in my life as I did that day, but the joy is gone. I love my husband more than I did on that day, but even the love we have for each other has changed...I love him more, but our innocent, carefree love is gone. When we look into each other's eyes now we see the deep sadness that lingers there...and will forever. This isn't how it was supposed to be.
We are coming up on 4 months...I've heard from other moms that there is a 4 month slump...I've hit it...hard. I'm back to crying multiple times a day...and I'm just sad. I miss my son and here 4 months later I'm still dreaming about how to bring him home...part of me doesn't want to accept the truth even still.
Friday, April 5, 2013
overwhelming sadness
Some days I'm just sad. Yesterday I was sad all day...I walked Lily in the rain and cried the whole walk...felt like God was crying with me. Again, today just feel like a wave of overwhelming sadness just came over me. No special day, no triggers, no reminders...I just miss my son...just sad that we are missing so many special moments.
I have nothing new to say today...and I don't most days. Honestly, what else can be said at this point...I'm not bound to discover any answers, not going to rid myself of pain, and definitely not going to stop missing my son...so what could possibly be different next week, next month, next year?!?!
People say "time heals all wounds"...That is a cliche that I will NEVER say...it's been almost 4 months and the pain is still there, the wounds still feel fresh...nothing really feels any different. In the last 4 months I've learned how to cope. I can go a day or two at a time without falling to complete pieces, but then I do and the cycle starts over. I don't believe these wounds will ever heal...I think that you learn what bandages to use.
I talk to Gabriel a lot...just really hope he can hear me or that God gives him the message cause I need him to know that I love him.
This sucks~
I have nothing new to say today...and I don't most days. Honestly, what else can be said at this point...I'm not bound to discover any answers, not going to rid myself of pain, and definitely not going to stop missing my son...so what could possibly be different next week, next month, next year?!?!
People say "time heals all wounds"...That is a cliche that I will NEVER say...it's been almost 4 months and the pain is still there, the wounds still feel fresh...nothing really feels any different. In the last 4 months I've learned how to cope. I can go a day or two at a time without falling to complete pieces, but then I do and the cycle starts over. I don't believe these wounds will ever heal...I think that you learn what bandages to use.
I talk to Gabriel a lot...just really hope he can hear me or that God gives him the message cause I need him to know that I love him.
This sucks~
Monday, April 1, 2013
Jesus conquered the grave
So yesterday was Easter. It was a little harder than I expected going to church. Another "special" day without our sweet boy. The pastor was using examples of parenting in his sermon and at one point said "if you are a parent raise your hand"...in the context he wanted to know who has experienced what he was talking about...we hadn't and we didn't raise our hands. I wanted to...but didn't because I had no idea about the experiences he was talking about...that broke my heart. Seeing pictures of his son on the screen playing basketball and how he got that love from him etc. was hard...Gabriel we hoped would love soccer or hockey or football like us...we will never get to teach him a love for those things...along with the other million things we will never do with our son.
I heard that the year of firsts is unbearable. We've been through the first Christmas, first New Years, first due date, my birthday, and now Easter all without Gabriel. The coming months will not be easier...Tom's birthday is May 1st which was just days before we had our miscarriage before Gabriel and then Fourth of July when I found out that I was pregnant with Gabriel. The list goes on and on. I miss him every day, but those "special" days are just stabs in the heart.
We came to the lakehouse for Spring Break...a sort of getaway, but the last time we were here I was pregnant. I went to the bathroom when we got here and saw my prenatals laying on the counter and just remembering being here right before Thanksgiving and going to Ohio...just a few weeks before we lost him. It never ends...reminders are everywhere and it all feels wrong. We shouldn't be here right now and able to go for rides on the boat...not yet.
Even Lily is a reminder of what we lost...watching her play with our 1 year old nephew on Easter is heartbreaking...she is supposed to be biting Gabriel's ears and making him giggle etc.
So, we continue to grieve...every moment is a different opportunity that we've missed out on with Gabriel.
Yesterday in celebration of Easter we sang a praise song and one of the lines is "Jesus conquered the grave". That line has more significance to me now. My own mortality has never really come into play with my faith. I knew that I would die one day...didn't really want it to happen, but never really feared it either, just had faith that God was real and one day I would be in Heaven. Now...my faith isn't as child like. Death has far more significance to me...there is more on the line now if God isn't real and there isn't a Heaven. I still believe, but it's challenging sometimes. Hearing that Jesus conquered the grave made me wonder why we have to experience death now...if Jesus conquered it then why do we still have to die to ultimately LIVE. So many questions still unanswered.
I heard that the year of firsts is unbearable. We've been through the first Christmas, first New Years, first due date, my birthday, and now Easter all without Gabriel. The coming months will not be easier...Tom's birthday is May 1st which was just days before we had our miscarriage before Gabriel and then Fourth of July when I found out that I was pregnant with Gabriel. The list goes on and on. I miss him every day, but those "special" days are just stabs in the heart.
We came to the lakehouse for Spring Break...a sort of getaway, but the last time we were here I was pregnant. I went to the bathroom when we got here and saw my prenatals laying on the counter and just remembering being here right before Thanksgiving and going to Ohio...just a few weeks before we lost him. It never ends...reminders are everywhere and it all feels wrong. We shouldn't be here right now and able to go for rides on the boat...not yet.
Even Lily is a reminder of what we lost...watching her play with our 1 year old nephew on Easter is heartbreaking...she is supposed to be biting Gabriel's ears and making him giggle etc.
So, we continue to grieve...every moment is a different opportunity that we've missed out on with Gabriel.
Yesterday in celebration of Easter we sang a praise song and one of the lines is "Jesus conquered the grave". That line has more significance to me now. My own mortality has never really come into play with my faith. I knew that I would die one day...didn't really want it to happen, but never really feared it either, just had faith that God was real and one day I would be in Heaven. Now...my faith isn't as child like. Death has far more significance to me...there is more on the line now if God isn't real and there isn't a Heaven. I still believe, but it's challenging sometimes. Hearing that Jesus conquered the grave made me wonder why we have to experience death now...if Jesus conquered it then why do we still have to die to ultimately LIVE. So many questions still unanswered.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Gabriel's books for little angels part 2
We have already met our goal of 100 books today. We currently have 104 books to take to CMC hospital and I know some of you have told me that more are on the way! This has been an incredibly difficult month so I am thankful that we can do something positive and honor our son at the same time. We will continue to collect books until the end of the month and deliver them to the hospital then.
I wanted to say thank you to everyone that contributed to our drive and I will continue to update our list. I know that this list is not complete because we had several books delivered with no gift note attached so we don't know who they are from. This list also does not include all of the beautiful people that have sent us flowers, cards, notes of encouragment and most importantly prayed for us!
Each day comes with new and different challenges. I'm so grateful to have people that are walking alongside us and praying for us. You have no idea how much your notes of encouragement mean to us.
Thank you to the following people for contributing to our book drive!
Rick and Becky Walton
Kaye Goldbach
Michelle Kovalchick
I wanted to say thank you to everyone that contributed to our drive and I will continue to update our list. I know that this list is not complete because we had several books delivered with no gift note attached so we don't know who they are from. This list also does not include all of the beautiful people that have sent us flowers, cards, notes of encouragment and most importantly prayed for us!
Each day comes with new and different challenges. I'm so grateful to have people that are walking alongside us and praying for us. You have no idea how much your notes of encouragement mean to us.
Thank you to the following people for contributing to our book drive!
Lucy Larmondra
Mike and Lisa Ensalaco
Tom and Susie Larmondra
Dave and Maureen Valentine
Carol Valentine
Related Services Department at Cabarrus County Schools
Amelia Barrows
Amber Silianoff
Amy Channell
Nancy Kiger
Reagan Crummey
Regina Beamon
Sharon Antoszyk
Lindsey Johnson
Allison Megahey
Jill Spencer
Julie Phillips
Stephanie Bryant
Ally Betley
Joyce Ray
Monica Smith
Christy Takach
Joyce Camp
Anne-Marie Key
Bobbie Jo Migliaccio
Gretchen Baute
Bobbie Jo Migliaccio
Gretchen Baute
Sherry Lee
Carrie Whitley
Heather Clarke
Brandy Mills
Melissa Tapp
Pat Konicki
Audrey Remkus
Amanda Allen
Chris & Mauri Booth
Rebekah Hart
Lindsey Pratx
Ludmila Pashaev
Sandra Etherington
Tori Springate
Karen Cameron
Stacie and Jeff Yoder
Beth & Brian White
Nicole Anthony
Becky Stebelton
Mialee Schmeltzer
Matt and Katie Taylor
Matt and Katie Taylor
Deborah Drain & Family
Erin Conner-Holschuh
Ashleigh & Chris Twedt
Robbye Fielden
David Cline
Paul and Gretchen Kubinksi
Seth and Shannon McKay
April Lewis-Pinedale Children’s MinistryPaul and Gretchen Kubinksi
Seth and Shannon McKay
Rick and Becky Walton
Kaye Goldbach
Michelle Kovalchick
Sunday, March 17, 2013
3 months
I can't believe it's been 3 months since we said goodbye to Gabriel. Although my memories are fading, my heart still feels the sting like it was yesterday.
Even good days make me cry. It's hard to think about anything really without thinking about how things should be different. It was a beautiful weekend and I was cleaning the pool outside and although a mindless activity...all I could think about was I should be putting Gabriel on the shelf of the pool in a few months for the first time. We wanted him to love the water and wanted him to get used to it early in life...I pictured him dipping his tiny toes in the water while Lily licked him in the face.
We had a good day yesterday shopping for bikes for our birthdays...I cried on the way home thinking...how can I "enjoy" anything because I shouldn't be bike shopping, I should be home with a newborn. I took Lily to the park both Saturday and today and both days I saw strollers...I want to enjoy the beautiful day with my puppy dog, but all I can think about is that I should be pushing Gabriel in a stroller too.
Everything just feels wrong and I still can't shake that feeling. The world will likely never be in balance and nothing will ever be "right". We will do the best we can to find joy again, but ultimately every bit of joy is tainted with sadness underneath. Even the best things we will experience in the future will always end with...but Gabriel should be here.
I think the biggest endeavor for me right now is reconciling with God. I'll be honest and say I don't even know where to begin. I've ignored him, screamed at him, and been on my knees weeping begging for him to make it right. None of these have made me feel closer to Him. I rarely pick up the Bible, but I know that is how He would "speak" to me if He is going to. I guess I feel like nothing He has to say is going to make it right so why bother. I'm sure I'll get there eventually. I haven't completely lost faith...I have to believe that God is real because that is the only way that I know that I'll see Gabriel again one day, but it just doesn't make sense that He would allow this to happen after all of the prayers that we prayed for our little boy. So, not sure where we stand right now...my faith isn't gone, but it's not what it used to be either. Nothing is as it should be anymore.
Even good days make me cry. It's hard to think about anything really without thinking about how things should be different. It was a beautiful weekend and I was cleaning the pool outside and although a mindless activity...all I could think about was I should be putting Gabriel on the shelf of the pool in a few months for the first time. We wanted him to love the water and wanted him to get used to it early in life...I pictured him dipping his tiny toes in the water while Lily licked him in the face.
We had a good day yesterday shopping for bikes for our birthdays...I cried on the way home thinking...how can I "enjoy" anything because I shouldn't be bike shopping, I should be home with a newborn. I took Lily to the park both Saturday and today and both days I saw strollers...I want to enjoy the beautiful day with my puppy dog, but all I can think about is that I should be pushing Gabriel in a stroller too.
Everything just feels wrong and I still can't shake that feeling. The world will likely never be in balance and nothing will ever be "right". We will do the best we can to find joy again, but ultimately every bit of joy is tainted with sadness underneath. Even the best things we will experience in the future will always end with...but Gabriel should be here.
I think the biggest endeavor for me right now is reconciling with God. I'll be honest and say I don't even know where to begin. I've ignored him, screamed at him, and been on my knees weeping begging for him to make it right. None of these have made me feel closer to Him. I rarely pick up the Bible, but I know that is how He would "speak" to me if He is going to. I guess I feel like nothing He has to say is going to make it right so why bother. I'm sure I'll get there eventually. I haven't completely lost faith...I have to believe that God is real because that is the only way that I know that I'll see Gabriel again one day, but it just doesn't make sense that He would allow this to happen after all of the prayers that we prayed for our little boy. So, not sure where we stand right now...my faith isn't gone, but it's not what it used to be either. Nothing is as it should be anymore.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
due date
Tomorrow was Gabriel's due date...I was thinking that the actual day probably wouldn't be any worse than any other day, but his due date carries with it the memory of what should have been. I can't help but think that this should be the most joyful time of my life...but here I sit with my baby in heaven and I'm broken hearted.
Dear Gabriel,
I wish that I knew for sure that you could hear me because that would give me some peace. I just hope that you didn't leave this world and never knew how much I loved you...and continue to love you each day. You will never ever be forgotten baby boy...you have an earthly mother and father that love you beyond words. The short time that we had with you was by far the most precious gift that I have ever been given and I hold on to those memories with everything that I have. I hope that you felt our love in the womb and hope that you can feel our love even now.
We miss you sweet boy and hope to meet your precious soul in heaven one day...until then my heart beats for you!
Your mommy
Dear Gabriel,
I wish that I knew for sure that you could hear me because that would give me some peace. I just hope that you didn't leave this world and never knew how much I loved you...and continue to love you each day. You will never ever be forgotten baby boy...you have an earthly mother and father that love you beyond words. The short time that we had with you was by far the most precious gift that I have ever been given and I hold on to those memories with everything that I have. I hope that you felt our love in the womb and hope that you can feel our love even now.
We miss you sweet boy and hope to meet your precious soul in heaven one day...until then my heart beats for you!
Your mommy
Saturday, March 9, 2013
I wish that I could go to sleep and wake up in April! I have so much anxiety this month...just can't help but think about what could have been...what should have been. I've been trying to occupy myself with positive things and think of positive things, but I always come back to wondering how different everything would have been...Gabriel would either be here already or we would be anxiously awaiting his arrival any day now. For 6 months I had March 14th on my brain...knowing that he wasn't likely to arrive ON that day, but I knew that he would be here sometime around then so I already thought about how we would be spending my birthday this year (all snuggled in bed instead of my annual bday hike) or Easter or how old Gabriel would be on his first Christmas etc. It's hard to just wipe those thoughts away as if they never existed...they didn't happen, but my thoughts were real so it's like trying to erase memories. It's all just wrong...it feels so wrong that it makes me wonder if there is an alternate universe out there (like on Fringe) where I didn't lose Gabriel and I'm laying in bed not sleeping because he is kicking like crazy and my back hurts and I'm swollen head to toe and wondering when this little boy is going to arrive. What I would give?!?! I obviously know that's not true, but I do think about such non-sense sometimes...because it feels like it could be true.
I know that it's just another month without him...not really any different than January or February, but it feels different...now that we are in March when Gabriel SHOULD have arrived I am much more aware of my empty arms. I remember thinking March is such a good month to have a baby in because Spring is coming and Spring signifies birth/life etc. March signifies something far different for us now...and March will never be the same again.
Gabriel...oh how I wish you were here in my arms...
I know that it's just another month without him...not really any different than January or February, but it feels different...now that we are in March when Gabriel SHOULD have arrived I am much more aware of my empty arms. I remember thinking March is such a good month to have a baby in because Spring is coming and Spring signifies birth/life etc. March signifies something far different for us now...and March will never be the same again.
Gabriel...oh how I wish you were here in my arms...
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
I love children...I've dedicated my life to working with them...I believe that over the years that they have taught me more about life than I have taught them. Last week at school a 4th grade student that was a peer buddy in the AU room that I used to teach in saw me for the first time since I've returned to work and she asked if I had my baby. I was caught off guard and responded "Yes, but we lost him"...and she said "Oh, that is so sad" I later thought about what she said and although simplistic...that's exactly what it is...sad. I've written so many words about how I feel and what I am thinking, but honestly...sad...just about sums it up. This month is sad. This should have been the month that we delivered Gabriel AND brought him home. I miss him.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
I'm not alone
Although I feel completely alone most days and that life has moved on and left me behind...I am so thankful for the handful of friends and family that have been dedicated to encourage and pray for us over the last few months. I am thankful for those that have hurt right alongside of us while lifting us up at the same time. Yesterday we had an appointment with the Maternal Fetal Specialist and it was a hard day for me, but what got me through was the sweet texts/emails/calls that I received letting me know that prayers were being lifted up. I've needed those prayers because there are days that I just can't pray myself...I know that those are the days that God lays us on the hearts of others.
I honestly didn't think that we would ever get answers about what happened to Gabriel, but yesterday we were told that Gabriel most likely died from an infection. I had hoped that answers would bring me closure, but right now my heart is just broken. The idea that my baby boy died from something that could have been prevented or cured with a round of antibiotics is more than I feel like I can handle. The doctor said we did nothing wrong and there was nothing we could have done, but I feel like he was saying that so that I didn't carry any guilt. The doctor said by the time I noticed his movement decreasing that Gabriel was probably too sick for help at that point, but I will always wonder if only I would have gone to the hospital sooner maybe he would still be here. And where does God fit into this? Could God not have found a way to let me know that my baby was sick? Could He not have found a way to prevent him from getting sick? Now that we know that Gabriel was a normally developing baby that just got sick...why didn't God save him?
I know that I need to focus on the positive...that this isn't likely to happen again in the future if we are lucky enough to try this again, but how do I think about the future and not be sad that Gabriel is not here.
Although I'm brokenhearted...it does my soul good to know that God has placed some truly beautiful people into our lives to walk with us on this journey. We even got a gift in the mail from a stranger that heard about Gabriel. I am glad to know that there are others that loved Gabriel too and that we are not alone. I know those people know who they are...because they are likely the ones reading this blog.
I honestly didn't think that we would ever get answers about what happened to Gabriel, but yesterday we were told that Gabriel most likely died from an infection. I had hoped that answers would bring me closure, but right now my heart is just broken. The idea that my baby boy died from something that could have been prevented or cured with a round of antibiotics is more than I feel like I can handle. The doctor said we did nothing wrong and there was nothing we could have done, but I feel like he was saying that so that I didn't carry any guilt. The doctor said by the time I noticed his movement decreasing that Gabriel was probably too sick for help at that point, but I will always wonder if only I would have gone to the hospital sooner maybe he would still be here. And where does God fit into this? Could God not have found a way to let me know that my baby was sick? Could He not have found a way to prevent him from getting sick? Now that we know that Gabriel was a normally developing baby that just got sick...why didn't God save him?
I know that I need to focus on the positive...that this isn't likely to happen again in the future if we are lucky enough to try this again, but how do I think about the future and not be sad that Gabriel is not here.
Although I'm brokenhearted...it does my soul good to know that God has placed some truly beautiful people into our lives to walk with us on this journey. We even got a gift in the mail from a stranger that heard about Gabriel. I am glad to know that there are others that loved Gabriel too and that we are not alone. I know those people know who they are...because they are likely the ones reading this blog.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
the dust has settled
A few weeks after we lost Gabriel I put most of his things away in his room. We still have his handprints/pictures up, but all of the baby things and even anything pregnancy related is put away. His clothes are put away in drawers and momentos are sitting on display on his dresser. It is so painful to see those things on a day to day basis so I shut the door to Gabriel's room and I rarely go in there. I got something in the mail from First Candle the other day and needed to put it in Gabriel's room. I went in and immediately started crying. It's always hard seeing his things, but what bothered me more was that the first thing I noticed was that the room still smelled like new furniture. I then went to the dresser and noticed dust collecting on the furniture. Why do my wounds still feel so fresh if dust has already settled?
It still hurts so much and even though I don't cry 24 hours a day I feel like I am on the verge of tears most of the time. It's weird that most people don't want to bring Gabriel up to me because I think they are afraid that it will open up wounds, but what they don't realize is that he is at the forefront of my mind most of the time and if he is not at the forefront it's only briefly. No one is going to do anything to make me think of him when I don't want to because I'm already thinking of him...always. Time keeps ticking away and life has gone on, but I still miss Gabriel like I lost him yesterday. The dust has settled on everything but my heart.
It still hurts so much and even though I don't cry 24 hours a day I feel like I am on the verge of tears most of the time. It's weird that most people don't want to bring Gabriel up to me because I think they are afraid that it will open up wounds, but what they don't realize is that he is at the forefront of my mind most of the time and if he is not at the forefront it's only briefly. No one is going to do anything to make me think of him when I don't want to because I'm already thinking of him...always. Time keeps ticking away and life has gone on, but I still miss Gabriel like I lost him yesterday. The dust has settled on everything but my heart.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
2 months
2 months...it's hard to believe that it's been 2 months since we said goodbye to our sweet boy. Yesterday (the 16th) I remember thinking it would be the 17th tomorrow and it would be Gabriel's 2 month angelversary date. This morning I forgot...I didn't forget about Gabriel, I said good morning while looking at his picture, put his cross on etc. I went to the store and as I got in the car and started driving I started crying because I almost forgot this morning what day it was. How could I possibly forget...and as if I don't feel enough guilt for not being the best mother to Gabriel...I almost forgot what day it was.
Today isn't any different than yesterday other than it's another terrible milestone that we hit...I still miss him the same as if it happened yesterday. There will be a lot of milestones ahead and those days will be hard, but then again so will all of the in between days. Each day I get up I wonder how I am going to get through another day. No one really knows the anguish that my heart is in each day...just because I'm no longer in tears all day (only when I'm alone) I think people think that I am doing "okay". Truth is that I feel very alone most of the time. We were surrounded by support when Gabriel died and so thankful, but slowly everyone goes back to normal and the cards stop coming and the flowers die, but our hearts are still left broken. I am unbelievably thankful for the handful of people that have continued to "be there" for us. I have some amazing people in my life that always check up on me and let me know that they are still praying and that they miss Gabriel too. It sounds weird, but it helps me to know that Gabriel is missed by somebody other than us...that he will be remembered by somebody other than us. I know that those are the people that continue to read this blog.
Today isn't any different than yesterday other than it's another terrible milestone that we hit...I still miss him the same as if it happened yesterday. There will be a lot of milestones ahead and those days will be hard, but then again so will all of the in between days. Each day I get up I wonder how I am going to get through another day. No one really knows the anguish that my heart is in each day...just because I'm no longer in tears all day (only when I'm alone) I think people think that I am doing "okay". Truth is that I feel very alone most of the time. We were surrounded by support when Gabriel died and so thankful, but slowly everyone goes back to normal and the cards stop coming and the flowers die, but our hearts are still left broken. I am unbelievably thankful for the handful of people that have continued to "be there" for us. I have some amazing people in my life that always check up on me and let me know that they are still praying and that they miss Gabriel too. It sounds weird, but it helps me to know that Gabriel is missed by somebody other than us...that he will be remembered by somebody other than us. I know that those are the people that continue to read this blog.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Gabriel's books for little angels
I'm trying to find a way to honor Gabriel and make his approaching due date not so depressing. Our favorite thing that we did when I was pregnant was read to Gabriel at night. Maybe it's the teacher in me that wanted the tradition of reading to my child every night so we started while he was in the womb (and so glad we did and have those precious memories). When we were at the hospital after delivering Gabriel we wanted to read to him, but we didn't have any books with us. We looked up the words on our phone so we could read to our sweet boy. So I thought that a great way to honor Gabriel would be to have people donate books to the hospital so that they can give them to the parents that lose their babies so they have something to read to their children and a great memory to take home with them. I've been in contact with the hospital and I need to send them copies of possible books so that they can take them to a committee for approval in two weeks. I really hope that this is something that they want to do because I really want to do something uplifting for Gabriel for his due date. Next month is going to be hard...the 14th is his due date and my birthday is the 21st...I remember thinking I wanted Gabriel to hold out an extra week so he would come on my birthday so I would have a great birthday gift. I had no idea how things would turn out, but regardless...Gabriel is the best gift I've ever been given. I'm heartbroken because I didn't have enough time with him, but I cherish every moment that I did. He changed my life forever...and he truly was a gift!
UPDATE!!! CMC approved my idea and we will start collecting books now! The book that we want to collect is called "Wherever You Are My Love Will Find You" Although this book was not written for this situation, the title says it all regardless.
Gabriel, I love you little man and hope that you can smile knowing that you are being remembered in the best way that I know how! Now let's see how many books we can raise.
For those that want to purchase a book here is a link to my wishlist on Amazon. You can also find the book at most Target locations if you want to give me the book in person. http://www.amazon.com/registry/wishlist/3M0Y47I2MC7PD/ref=cm_wl_rlist_go_o_C-1
I hope to collect all of the books at the end of the month so that we can take them all to the hospital at once. Our goal is to raise 100 books!
UPDATE!!! CMC approved my idea and we will start collecting books now! The book that we want to collect is called "Wherever You Are My Love Will Find You" Although this book was not written for this situation, the title says it all regardless.
Gabriel, I love you little man and hope that you can smile knowing that you are being remembered in the best way that I know how! Now let's see how many books we can raise.
For those that want to purchase a book here is a link to my wishlist on Amazon. You can also find the book at most Target locations if you want to give me the book in person. http://www.amazon.com/registry/wishlist/3M0Y47I2MC7PD/ref=cm_wl_rlist_go_o_C-1
I hope to collect all of the books at the end of the month so that we can take them all to the hospital at once. Our goal is to raise 100 books!
Monday, February 11, 2013
This has been one of the most emotional weeks as of yet. We are back to square one trying to find out what happened to Gabriel. So I am back to where I was in the first few weeks replaying everything back in my mind and feeling so guilty for everything that I did or didn't do that may have possibly had anything to do with losing him. I am so completely broken. The timing was poor that we got this news (our test results) the same week that I went back to work. Going back to work was a smack in the face that life is going on without my baby boy here. I realized this week that I may have been in denial these last few months because now that I am back at work I'm being forced to accept the fact that Gabriel is gone and he's not going to be arriving in the next few weeks. I will keep working while his nursery remains empty. I won't be awaken by cries in the night, nurse my son in the rocking chair, change diapers at 3a.m. or snuggle him in early mornings. I won't get to listen to his first coos, see his first smile, or look into his eyes. All I will ever have are the memories of my sweet boy...I'm already forgetting what it feels like to hold him in my arms or feel his skin next to mine. Thankfully I have pictures so that I can look at his beautiful face every day or else those memories would start to fade too.
Gabriel is gone...it's hard to say, but even harder to believe.
Gabriel is gone...it's hard to say, but even harder to believe.
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